Pulga Fit Force¶
This node creates a force to be applied with the Pulga Physics Solver node.
The force will make the particles (vertices) radius to shrink when the collide or grow if the do not.
Magnitude: Amount to grow/shrink every iteration.
Transform-> Randomize
Pulga Physics-> Pulga Physics Solver
Min. Radius: Minimum radius particles can have.
Max. Radius: Maximum radius particles can have.
Algorithm: Algorithm used to calculate collisions. Offers ‘Brute Force’ and ‘Kd-tree’
Kd-tree: this is the fastest mode but in order to work it needs ‘Scipy’ and ‘Cython’ dependencies to be installed. In this mode the attraction continues even if the vertices are colliding
Brute-Force: This mode is much slower but does not need any dependencies to work.
Mode: How the magnitude is interpreted. Offers ‘Absolute’, ‘Relative’ and ‘Percent’.
Absolute: The magnitude will be added or subtracted as defined.
Relative: The magnitude will be multiplied by the particle radius.
Percent: The magnitude will be interpreted as a percent of the particle radius.
Maximum radius for a set of points.
Generator-> Plane
Generator-> Circle
Transform-> Randomize
Viz-> Viewer Draw
Pulga Physics-> Pulga Physics Solver
Transform-> Randomize
Arranging circles with attraction and collision.
Generator-> Plane
Generator-> Circle
Transform-> Randomize
Number-> A Number
Number-> Random Num Gen
List->List Main-> List Join
Pulga Physics-> Pulga Physics Solver
Pulga Physics-> Pulga Attractors Force
Pulga Physics-> Pulga Collision Force
Pulga Physics-> Pulga Drag Force
Pulga Physics-> Pulga Boundaries Force
Viz-> Viewer Draw