Node API¶
This page claims to define all aspects of node creation. A brief introduction to node creation is represented on this page. Api documentation of base class of all nodes can be found here. Also read the Alpha/Beta Node State section before creating new node.
The Code of a new node should be created in a separate file. The file should be placed in
one of the available categories in the nodes
Usually the structure of the file looks like:
# This file is part of project Sverchok. It's copyrighted by the contributors
# recorded in the version control history of the file, available from
# its original location
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL3
# License-Filename: LICENSE
import bpy
class Node:
def register():
def unregister():
Class Definition¶
To create a node in Sverchok means to create a node class. The naming convention for
node classes is SV + name of the node + Node
Standard Mix-ins for all node classes are
and bpy.types.Node
Optional Mix-ins can be found in sverchok.utils.nodes_mixins
The Node class documentation string serves two purposes:
Adding key words for searching
Adding a tool tip into the “Add Node” menu
There are two mandatory class variables:
should repeat the name of the class
is the common name of the node, used in the Node header and in the “Add Node” menus
Node label can be defined dynamically in the draw_label
method which
should return a string.
Also the class can define an optional bl_icon
variable with a string of a
standard Blender icon for the node. To find all standard icons the Icon
Viewer add-on can be used, which is included in Blender by default.
It’s possible to define custom icons by including an sv_icon
variable. All custom icons are stored in the sverchok.ui.icons
folder in png
format. The variable value should repeat the png file name without extension
and in upper case.
class SvSetMeshAttributeNode(SverchCustomTreeNode, bpy.types.Node):
Triggers: set mesh attribute
Tooltip: It adds an attribute to a mesh
bl_idname = 'SvSetMeshAttributeNode'
bl_label = 'Set Mesh Attribute'
bl_icon = 'SORTALPHA'
def draw_label(self):
return "Label1" if self.prop else "Label2"
Creating Node Custom Properties¶
Properties are created in the same way as other areas of Blender. Blender documentation
After properties are added they can be used as node buttons or socket
properties. Also they can be used for internal usage but it’s usually better to
use Custom properties (node['prop_name']
) instead.
Using node properties for displaying on sockets is deprecated. Usually sockets can define their own properties.
To make a node react to property changes they should define the update argument.
If no extra logic is required the argument can be defined thus
In the case that a property change should cause sockets to be changed (created, removed..etc)
this can be done by creating a custom update method (usually in the node class) and passing a reference
to it in the update argument of the property.
The method expects to get the self
and context
Also there is a direct method to update the node but it can’t be passed as
an argument to the update parameter directly. Instead it’s possible to use
lambda expression:
update=lambda self, context: self.process_node(context)
class NodeClass:
# ...
def update_type(self, context):
# some logic
updateNode(self, context)
some_mode: bpy.props.BoolProperty(update=updateNode)
another_mode: bpy.props.BoolProperty(update=update_type)
Draft Properties¶
Nodes can have draft properties which will be used instead of normal ones in
draft mode of a tree. Draft properties are defined in the same way as normal
ones. Also the node should use DraftMode
mix-in, define
class variable with mapping between standard
properties and draft ones, and does_support_draft_mode
method which should
return boolean value.
class NodeClass(sverchok.utils.nodes_mixins.DraftMode):
# ...
some_mode: bpy.props.BoolProperty(update=updateNode)
some_mode_draft: bpy.props.BoolProperty(name='[D] Some Mode', update=updateNode)
draft_properties_mapping = dict(some_mode = 'some_mode_draft')
def does_support_draft_mode(self):
return True
Enum Properties¶
Enums are created in the same way as in other Blender UI parts. In case Enums are generated dynamically they always should be stored somewhere in Python memory. There are known cases when Blender crashes during rendering when UI expose dynamic enums which do not store their content.
There is now utils.handle_blender_data.keep_enum_reference
which can be used with dynamic enums. The decorator assign enum items to a
Python variable what solves the problem above.
Enum items can have custom icons. Custom icons should be stored in the
folder. To use custom icons the ui.sv_icons.custom_icon
function should be used. It expects the name of the file in upper case without
extension and returns the index of the icon.
Dynamic Properties¶
There are several nodes which generate dynamic properties - List Levels and
Switcher nodes. Dynamic properties are properties which are generated
depending on the size of input data. The best way to generate dynamic properties
is to use PropertyGroups together with Collection properties. Displaying
such properties is possible with for loop inside UI code. The right place to upgrade
properties is in the process
Dynamic properties should always store values changed by the user, even if they are not displayed anymore. Otherwise it will lead to degradation of node tree “code”. Otherwise, whenever properties are removed and restored a user would always be forced to repeat choices - this is quite unexpected and time consuming.
In the future the generation of properties (currently done from inside process
method) should
move to some other method because the process
method itself should become an
abstract method.
Node Sockets¶
Node sockets are created in sv_init
method. new
method of input and
output collections of sockets should be used. It expects name of a socket type
and name socket itself. These names are shown in UI and also usually are used
as identifiers. Whole list of available socket types can be found in
module. The new method returns newly created socket which
can be used for setting its extra parameters.
Usually sockets expose their default parameters. By default they are switched
off. The proper way to make to show its property is to assign True value to
attribute of the socket. Default value can be changed in
type has two types of default values. Current type stored
in default_property_type
attribute which can receive either ‘float’ or
‘int’ values. Default values are stored in default_float_property
class Node:
def sv_init(self, context):
socket ='SvStringsSocket', "Size")
socket.use_prop = True
socket.default_float_property = 1.0'SvVerticesSocket', "Verts")
Alternative way of creating input sockets is using sv_new_input
class Node:
def sv_init(self, context):
self.sv_new_input('SvStringsSocket', "Size", use_prop=True,
Dynamic Sockets¶
Dynamic sockets are shown only on certain conditions. There are 3 categories of them:
Socket is shown if a node has certain properties.
Socket is shown if other socket is connected.
Socket is shown if node has appropriate input data.
There are many ways to show / hide sockets. First of all it’s possible to use
Blender standard API for adding and removing sockets. Most resent nodes use
attribute of sockets. Disadvantage of this method is that sockets
are not really deleted and can be shown with Ctrl+h by user. The proper
way now is to use standard Blender enabled
When type of a socket should be changed it’s possible to use
function or replace_socket
method of a
socket. First function changes type of output sockets dependently on type of
a socket connected to input one. With the second method you have to define new
type of a socket by yourself.
Change type of a socket is tricky part. Because it’s related with removing, adding, moving sockets and links in a tree. Also it can be quite inefficient because Blender does not expose API which would allow to search connected neighbour sockets efficiently. But usually it’s not a bottle neck in such cases.
To generate sockets upon changes of node properties is possible in update
method of properties.
To generate sockets upon changes in node connections is possible in
method of nodes. This method can be called quite intensively so
it’s wise to expense resources carefully.
To generate sockets upon changes of input data of a node was quite controversial idea. Now it’s only used in Dictionary output node. The problem is that this can easily lead to losses of user connections what breaks node setups. For example in Geometry Nodes project there was a decision that sockets should be independent to data layer. So to generate such nodes is not recommended now. If there is no way but to have this functionality possible solution could be to add a button to a node which would recreate sockets explicitly.
class Node:
def mode_update(self, context):
self.inputs['Value'].enabled = self.mode
mode: BoolProperty(update=mode_update)
def sv_init(self, context):'SvStringsSocket', "Value").use_prop = True'SvStringsSocket', "Value")
def sv_update(self)
data_structure.changable_sockets(self, "Value", ["Value"])
Socket Properties¶
- label
Expects a string which is used instead of a socket name in UI.
- use_prop
Expects boolean value. If true the socket will display its default property.

- show_property_type (SvStringsSocket)
It adds icon to switch default type of the string socket
- custom_draw
Expects name of a method of the node of the socket. If defined the method will be used draw UI elements for the socket.
class Node: def custom_draw_socket(self, socket, context, layout): layout.prop(self, "node_property")
- quick_link_to_node
Expects a string of node bl_idname`. This will add an operator which can create quick link to the given node.
- link_menu_handler
Expects a string of class name defined inside node of the socket. This only works when displaying quick links is in multiple values mode. In the class its possible to define extra nodes for connections. This is analog of creating nodes during dragging a link from a socket in Blender 3.1.
class Node: class MenuHandler: @classmethod def get_items(cls, socket, context): """Return list of extra options for the menu""" return [('KEY', "Name", "Description"), ] @classmethod def on_selected(cls, tree, node, socket, key, context): """In this method the node should be created and linked to the socket""" if key == 'KEY': print("Hello world!")
- prop_name
Expects name of a node property to display in UI of the socket.
This is deprecated way to display default properties for sockets. Use
attribute instead.- object_kinds (SvObjectSocket)
Expects string value of object type to socket to display as possible choice. Its also possible to pass several types which should be separate by only comma: ‘MESH,CURVE,SURFACE,META,FONT,VOLUME,EMPTY,CAMERA,LIGHT’
- expanded (SvVerticesSocket, SvQuaternionSocket, SvColorSocket)
Expects boolean value. It’s responsible for the way of the socket to display the socket value.
Socket Vectorization Properties¶
Vectorization system is on experimental stage
- is_mandatory
Expects boolean value. If True the node can’t perform its function without data from the socket.
- nesting_level
Expects integer value. Describes the expected shape of input data.
3 for vectors lists (Default for Vertices Socket)
2 for number lists (Default)
1 for single item
- default_mode
Expects one of the next strings:
‘NONE’ to leave empty
‘EMPTY_LIST’ for [[]] (Default)
‘MATRIX’ for Matrix()
‘MASK’ for [[True]]
- pre_processing
Expects one of the next strings:
‘ONE_ITEM’ for values like the number of subdivision (one value per object). It will match one value per object independently if the list is [[1,2]] or [[1],[2]]. In case of more complex inputs no preprocessing will be made.
‘NONE’ not doing any preprocessing. (Default)
Business logic¶
The main work of the node is happening inside process
method which does
not expect any arguments.
The whole process can be split into 3 steps:
Extract data from sockets.
Handle the data.
Record result into output sockets.
In future it is planned to convert the method into abstract one. In this case a node will get parameters via some arguments.
For reading data from sockets their sv_get
method can be used.
It has tow important parameters. default
parameter expects any
data which will be returned in case if input socket does not have any external
data. deepcopy
parameter expects False value if input data is not modified
by the node. The node can work quite more efficient if deepcopy is False. But
if a node do modify the data the parameter should be with default value,
otherwise other nodes which use the same data will get unexpected results.
Many nodes on this stage also do such optimization as checking connection of their output sockets and if they are not connected cancel their father execution. Really it’s not recommended in new nodes. The right place for such optimization is execution system.
After handling input data sv_set
method of sockets can be used for
saving result. It expects only one parameter - data.
class Node:
def process(self):
data = self.inputs['My Socket'].sv_get(default=[], deepcopy=False)
result = handle_data(data)
self.outputs['My Socket'].sv_set(result)
Sometimes node does not have enough data to perform its function in this case it should pass available data to output sockets unmodified. It’s important because the whole node tree will stop working otherwise.
Also sv_get
method has third parameter - implicit_conversions
. It
expects one of the values of core.socket_conversions.ConversionPolicies
enum. It’s purpose is to convert format of output data of previous nodes to
format of input data of current node. For example via Conversion Policy
conversion simple values to vectors is happening. Usually such settings are
applied globally to all sockets but sometimes it can be useful to override
them via the parameter (not single node do this currently though).
Data vectorization¶
All nodes should be designed in a way that they can handle not only one object but multiple of them. That is called vectorization in Sverchok. For example if a node works with vertices of an object it should handle list of lists of vertices.
It can happen that some input data has one number of objects and another input data has another number of objects. In this case a node should perform data matching operation. Usually it means that data with shorter number of objects should repeat them to match them to number of objects of the longest data. Repeating objects usually happens in two ways.
Last object fills all missing ones. For example:
[1, 2, 3]
will be converted into[1, 2, 3, 3 ,3 ,3]
if number of required objects is 6.Objects start to repeat from start of a list (cycling). For example:
[1, 2, 3]
will be converted into[1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]
if number of required objects is 6.
Usually number of objects is determined by the longest input data. Sometimes the number can be limited by some particular input in case it does not have sense to repeat it.
There are helping functions / generators to perform data matching in
module. Generators are preferable before functions.
class Node:
def process(self):
params = [s.sv_get(deepcopy=False, default=[[]]) for s in self.inputs]
max_len = max(map(len, params))
out = []
for _, v, e, f, fd, m, t, d in zip(range(max_len), *make_repeaters(params)):
out.append(handle_data(v, f, t, d, e, fd, m))
out_verts, out_edges, out_faces, out_face_data, out_mask = zip(*out)
self.outputs['Face data'].sv_set(out_face_data)
There are two experimental approaches to automate data matching. One can
be found in utils.nodes_mixins.recursive_nodes
and another in
modules. Both of them can handle not only list of
objects but and nested to each other lists of objects with arbitrary
nestedness and shape. It leads to two disadvantages:
It make the code difficult to understand, to support and to debug. Even for user its more difficult to handle data with complex shape.
Vectorization itself is very expensive thing because it uses pure Python loops. And such complex vectorization system is even more expensive.
Also any vectorization can be performed with loop nodes which can create more clear representation data handling. So this modules should prove first which problems they are going to solve which can’t be tackled in another way and so they can’t be recommended for use for now.
In future vectorization should leave the nodes area and arrive to execution system. In this case nodes only have to add information to sockets to give to execution system to know how to match data.
Data structure¶
Sverchok can operate on vide variation of data structures. The most important one is mesh data structure. Sverchok uses Face-vertex representation of them. Representation is a simple list of vertices, and a set of edges and polygons that point to the vertices they use.
Usually list of vertices, edges and polygons are ordinary Python lists. Vertices can be represented as numpy arrays. If a node is generator it can have an option in which format to output vertices. If a node has vertices as an input it should output them in the same format in which they came.
For edges and polygons it was decided not to use numpy arrays due little performance benefit and in case of n-gons it’s not trivial how to store and handle them as numpy arrays.
# simple triangle
vertices = [(0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0)]
edges = [(0, 1), (1, 2), (0, 2)]
polygons = [[0, 1, 2], ]
For vertices there is SvVerticesSocket
socket type. For edges and faces
there is SvStringsSocket
socket type. The last one is also used for lists
of numbers (floats, integers).
For storing mesh attributes Sverchok uses simple numbers or more complex data
as colors, texts and vectors. Such lists should store values per mesh element.
Color data passes via SvColorSocket
, number via SvStringsSocket
, strings
via SvTextSocket
For orienting meshes in space Blender Matrix and Quaternions are used.
Historically they has next format - [matrix, matrix, ...]
but this format
can move only whole mesh. For this reason some nodes also support such format -
[[matrix, matrix, ...], [matrix, ...]]
. In this cases matrix can be used
for moving separate elements of a mesh. Socket types for them are
and SvQuaternionSocket
Sverchok has family of mathematical objects such as Curves, Surfaces,
Feilds, Solids. All of them, except Solids, are defined as Python classes.
Solids are used from FreeCAD library. They all have dedicated to them sockets
in the core.sockets
Also there are some other data structures as Blender objects, File paths, svg, Pulga forces, Dictionaries.
Dictionary has rather experimental stage and should prove in which area they can be used efficiently.
BMesh data structure¶
For performing operations over geometry it’s possible to create you own
algorithms. But also Blender has a library of some basic geometry operations.
This library uses special BMesh data structure. It’s similar to Half-edge
data structure. To convert data from Sverchok format to BMesh and vice versa
there is utils.sv_bmesh_utils
Ideally nodes should go with some tests. But currently there is no framework for automation of tests creation. So it’s optional now. More about tests in the separate section Testing.

Dot graph¶

Icicle style¶
Performance of the nodes is very important and quite a big problem in Sverchok currently. Using pure Python is quite weak solution. First step to improve performance is to rewrite code with numpy library if it’s possible.
Sverchok has tool with UI to measure performance of separate nodes or a whole tree. It’s located in the Tree Profiling panel in Sverchok tab of Property panel. It only appears if the Developer mode is enabled in the add-on settings.
In Node Tree Update mode the performance of a whole tree will be measured. To
measure performance of separate nodes their process method should be marked with
After measuring the performance the result can be outputted in the console which is standard output of cProfile Python module. Also the result can be saved in separate file which can be visualized with another tools.
Printing / Logging¶

Logging level can be set in the add-on settings.¶
Printing and profiling are very expensive operations. Also console can fastly turn into unreadable mess. So it’s better to avoid using them inside node code. During debugging it’s valid to use print function but it should removed in the end.
Usually logging can be don in some operators in this case you can use loggers
from utils.logging
module or by using node.debug
other aliases.
If a node rises an error it will appear in console in next format: data and
time [logging level] module name:line number : error name
Traceback is switch off for all logging levels except debug one. If you need it make sure that you have appropriate logging level in the settings.
Node Registration¶
After a node was created it should be registered to appear in Blender interface.
It can be done in function with register
name in the same module with node
class. This function will be called whenever the add-on is enabled. For the
class registration standard Blender function is used.
class Node:
def register():
Also node should be placed in some existing category by adding its bl_idname
to the
In case new node should obtain new category it’s possible to create it in
module. Here is example of adding a category
with name Test.
menu_structure = [
classes = [
make_class('Test', "Test"),
Also the category should be added to
file similar to other
When the add-on is disabled or reloaded its classes should be unregister. To
unregister a node is possible in function with name unregister
in the same
module with Node class.
When new node is added it’s strongly recommended to add its documentation. Without it, in most cases, users will hardly able to use the node and also it can be difficult to distinguish a bug because the desired behaviour was not proclaimed.
To add documentation to a node file with documentation (name_of_the_node.rst)
should be added to the docs.nodes.node_category
For generating documentation Sphinx library is used. Also
Read the Docs Sphinx theme is used. So both libraries should be available
if you want to build documentation locally. There is docs/make.bat
which builds the documentation into docs/_build
(excluded from git) folder.
There is action which will automatically build and publish documentation on the next address -, whenever changes will be introduced in master on GitHub.
There are nodes which should be updated upon frame change. Usually they read
some data from a Blender scene. To make a node to be updated every frame it’s
enough to override is_animation_dependent
node attribute with True value.
Buttons should be displayed via sv_draw_buttons
method otherwise the
node won’t display extra property which can be used by user to disable
updates for the current node.
Blender gives opportunity to temporary switch off any node in a tree. In this
case its input data paths through the node without any modifications toward next
nodes. Bas node class has default sv_internal_links
property to determine
how the data should path a node. If default behaviour does not fit into a node
logic it can override the property. The property should return iterable tuple
of input and output sockets of the node.
Before implementing your own sv_internal_links
property have a look at
the utils/nodes_mixins/sockets_config
module. It has implementations
of the property for some basic node types.
Unfortunately the sv_internal_links
property does not change how
internal links will be displayed in UI. Currently it’s limitation of Blender
which API does not give control of displaying internal links properly.
Nodes With Dependencies¶
Nodes can use some external library which can be installed manually by user from Extra Nodes tab in the add-on settings. When a node uses external library and it is not installed the node should add itself into a list of dummy nodes. Dummy nodes do nothing but display information that a library is not installed.

Also when library is not installed the nodes should not register their selves. Also such nodes dose not apper in the Add node menu.
from sverchok.dependencies import FreeCAD
if FreeCAD is None:
utils.dummy_nodes.add_dummy('SvSolidAreaNode', 'Solid Area', 'FreeCAD')
class SvSolidAreaNode:
def register():
if FreeCAD is not None:
The dependencies is a special module from which all dependent library should be
imported. If a library is not available instead of NoModuleFound error the
None value will be imported. The add_dummy
function expects bl_idname
of the node, its name and name of the library on which the node is dependent.
There is alternative and more simple way to handle the nodes with missing dependencies. They should be registered as regular nodes but in their process method they should raise an Error with a message which points that some library should be installed to make the node to work.
The approach can handle the case when node is not dependent on a library except in some of its modes.
JSON Import / Export¶
Sverchok has special format for sharing node trees and saving them into presets. In most cases nodes developers should not prepare their node to make them work with JSON import / export system. What is important to know:
Standard json export saves all properties including collection and nesting collection and pointers.
For now only data block names of pointer properties will be saved.
During import pointers will be searched in current scene, if there is no data blocks with current name nothing will be assigned to the pointer.
It is strongly not recommended to save pointers for viewer nodes. For skipping property to save use: BoolProperty(options={‘SKIP_SAVE’} it will impact only on unsaving property into json file.
Custom properties (which uses square bracket interface) are ignored.
It is possible to add save_to_json(node_data: dict) and load_from_json(node_data: dict, import_version: float) method to a node for adding extra logic into import export, but it’s better to avoid using it. It’s difficult to add changes into nodes using this methods and support import previous JSON files.
Upgrade Node¶
It’s possible to improve existing nodes but it should be done carefully, without breaking existing layouts. It can be done in two ways:
Improve existing node¶
First is when you add extra functionality to some node. It’s possible by adding extra buttons, sockets, modes. When you add something like this you should ensure that default behaviour will be unchanged.
New socket, in most cases, can be placed anywhere among existing ones but it should be checked in the process method that data from sockets is not collecting by their indexes. Also there is no any automation and in old Blender files the socket will be missing. So the socket should be added manually and currently most appropriate place for this is the process method. It leads to some overhead so probably in future there will be a special upgrade method for such things. The socket should be optional and the node should be able to work without the socket to be connected.
Also quite frequent case is socket renaming. It can be done by adding
attribute with new name. Also for old files this should be
repeated in the process method.
Any property can be added to a node but it’s default value should not change initial node behaviour.
It’s possible to add extra values to Enum properties but they always should be placed in the end of the lists because Blender files keep current enum value by its index.
All other changes should be done by creating new version of the node.
Create new node version¶
If it’s needed to fix some existing behaviour or remove one the new version of a node should be introduced. It’s not necessary step when changes should be applied to changes which were made in not released version of Sverchok. In this case changes can be done with breaking backward compatibility.
Creating new version should be done togather with keeping previous one. In most cases it’s enough to copy module of current node into old_nodes folder. It should be done more carefully if in the module together with the node something else is registered.
New version of the node should be created in the same module of initial
node by adding suffix to node class. Convention of the suffix is
where n is index of new version. The same should be done to
attribute of the class. New version of the node can implement
anything what can be implemented in new node.
By changing class name and its bl_idname
attribute, don’t forget to fix
these names in the registration functions and in the
When new version is introduced it’s convenient to add replacement operator to
the old version of the node which automatically replace old node with new one
with keeping all connected links. This can be done by adding
attribute. The operator will appear in the node context
class Node:
replacement_nodes = [
(new_node_bl_idname, inputs_mapping_dict, outputs_mapping_dict)
where new_node_bl_idname
is bl_idname
of replacement node class,
is a dictionary mapping names of inputs of this node
to names of inputs to new node, and outputs_mapping_dict
is a dictionary
mapping names of outputs of this node to names of outputs of new node.
and outputs_mapping_dict
can be None.
This attribute also can be used by regular node for quick replacement with nodes which have similar functionality.
When a node has multiple previous version the replacement operator should be added (updated) to all of them.
Also the operator will try to copy all node properties by their names. If it’s
impossible it’s possible to copy properties manually by adding
migrate_from(self, old_node)
method to new node. Also if some extra
work should be done with sockets it’s possible to implement in
migrate_props_pre_relink(self, old_node)
method which will be called before
links creation.
Alpha/Beta Node State¶
When new node is created or existing version of a node is improved we usually
would like to have some time to catch and fix bugs. It can be done the better
the more people will test the node. Thus we have to merge changes into master.
But when node is in master users can save them in their layout and farther fixes
of the node can break them. To avoid this it’s possible to mark a node to show
to users that the node is in development state and that backwards incompatible
changes can be introduced. In order to do this Alpa or Beta icon should be
assigned to sv_icon
attribute of the node class.
class Node:
sv_icon = 'SV_ALPHA` # or 'SV_BETA'
It’s recommended to mark new nodes and new version of existing node with in development state if there are doubts in robustness of the nodes. A node should lose the state when new Sverchok’s release is introduced.