Viewer Text


Looking for data and convert to readable format as:

node name: Viewer Text MK3

From data0 type “Vertices”: (1) object(s) =0= (1) (2.1599998474121094, 0.0, 0.0)

Where (1) object(s) means that we have 1 object =0= (1) means first (zero is first) object consists of 1 list if you add sublevels, there will be additional level like =0= (1) as vertices in separated sphere or plane generator gives. [0.5, 0.5, -0.5] means vector or other data






Parameters & Features

V I E W button will send formatted data to text editor, you have manually open text file called Sverchok_viewer, but after this it will be updated and in upper of text will be name of your node to identify it. autoapdate flag for auto update inputs representation. frame make frame in layout.

Extended parameters

lines count of lines per last level that will be shown in text. maximum 2000, minimum 1 line. For example, count of vertices per object or integers per list.

Examples of usage