Sverchok extensions =================== External Blender Add-ons that expand Sverchok Capabilities: - `Sverchok-Extra `_: Experimental Nodes of curve/surface/solids/fields/list. - `Sverchok-Open3d `_: Point Cloud and Triangle Mesh nodes. - `Ladybug Tools `_: Ladybug is a Python library to load, analyze and modify EnergyPlus Weather files (epw). (Alpha State) - `IFC Nodes `_: IFC is schema for architects BIM model to be shared. All significant BIM software supports IFC import/export. `Also here `_ (Alpha State) - `Topology nodes `_: geometry topology generating and analyzing with microsoft library used. (Alpha State) - `Mega-Polis node system `_: Data-Driven Urban Design Toolkit. Urban research and analytic toolset. - `Sverchok-Bmesh `_: Bmesh nodes separated to addon for sverchok.